Charles Oliver serves individuals, families and small business owners who have accumulated financial assets through personal savings or inheritance. The common element is that they want professional guidance on the sometimes-confusing world of financial markets, and they don't have the time or interest to manage their own investments.
Throughout his career, Charles' focus has been the steady pursuit of knowledge and experience that allows him to confidently provide investment management to his customers. He maintains a keen awareness of what is currently happening in the world's markets and recognizes changes as they happen. Because Charles provides money management for his clients, he is able to show them how decisions will be made, along with step-by-step demonstration what clients can expect of him.
From the very beginning of his career, Charles has listened as investors share challenges and problems they have experienced. From those experiences, he has developed an active approach to investing that addresses the need to help customers grow their accounts when conditions favor higher prices. But his strategy is dynamic, and will adjust when capital preservation becomes critical.
Since joining Transcendent Capital Group, Charles has celebrated many new freedoms that include open communication with customers and the ability to make decisions based solely on how it benefits his clients.
When not engaged in helping clients, Charles and his wife, Julie, are active with Crossings Community Church and recently started playing pickleball. They also enjoy music and domestic travel.